The TBN footage included in this video was provided
courtesy of Trinity Broadcasting Network and is under License
granted to Dr. Stephen Houston 07.24.07
"We can make as
many faith confessions as we want to, that is good, and manifest
provision will come. However,
Security and
Blessings given by God
only come after
losing your life, by dying to self.
And, that's not just
'your one time only 'sinner's prayer for salvation'
and then expect God's grace to just have to accept
your fleshly carnal minded selfishness. No, it's
forfeiting our right to run our own lives.
To see our lives
as God sees them becomes the motivation for our absolute obedience
before Him and that obedience brings absolute victory, joy and
blessing into every area of our lives." (Dr. Houston)
Sanctification is cleansing to make holy
...... The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a gift of power upon the
sanctified life.
Ordained in 1978, Dr.
Houston started his
public ministry as a
Methodist, remaining
within Methodism until
1989. From 1989 up and
to the present, he has
functioned as an
ordained minister within
Pentecostalism and
Although ordained by the
Assemblies of God
fellowship, Houston was
also ordained as an
Independent Methodist
Clergyman. Revd. Houston
is a firm believer in
Episcopal Christian
polity and has always
promoted the New
Testament 'five fold'
ministry model. He also
holds to Trinitarian
Wesleyan theology of the
'finished work of
Christ' and the
outworking necessity of
our personal Holiness
which should precede the
genuine experience of
'the gifts of the Holy
True holiness is a
Revival of Holiness.
Personal holiness is
more desirable than
happiness and it is not
in heaven alone that God
wants our saintliness -
it is here and now;
holiness is not just a
doctrine to be taught,
it is a way of life - it
is the life of Jesus.
A larger biography can
be found on the
'biography' page.
"Believers must be brought into
conviction of the shame and evil of the carnal state. God brings
believers into what may be called a second conviction -
conviction of a need of deliverance from the power of sin"
Revd. Andrew Murray
“There will be no great
Revival until the people of God are deeply convicted of their
need of holiness”
Major Allistaire Smith(Salvation
"A God-sent Revival must
ever be related to holiness"
Revd. Duncan Campbell

For the
Wesleyan Methodist
Church also known as an Independent
Methodist Church